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Problem Statement Repository: Atmospheric Methane Research

Marker species and aerosol formation from chlorine-initiated oxidation in the remote atmosphere

Atmospheric Methane Research problem statements are shared to build community and knowledge around key challenges to accelerate progress.

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Jesse Kroll (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

July 15, 2024

Last Updated
July 25, 2024

This problem statement was submitted to the first round of the Exploratory Grants for Atmospheric Methane Research funding opportunity, and isn't endorsed, edited, or corrected by Spark.

Background Information

Any approach to methane (CH4) removal via Atmospheric Oxidation Enhancement (AOE) relies critically on our understanding of present-day CH4 sinks. Loss of atmospheric CH4 is dominated by oxidation by the hydroxyl radical (OH), which accounts for ~90% of the global CH4 sink [1]. Other sinks include stratospheric loss, uptake to soils, and tropospheric oxidation by the chlorine radical (Cl). This last one is small but highly uncertain. Current estimates of global CH4 loss by Cl, from global chemistry-transport models (CTMs) or isotopic measurements of CH4 and its oxidation products (13CH4, 13CO) [2-7], span over an order of magnitude, from 1 to 35 Tg CH4 /yr (0.16% to 5.6% of the total atmospheric sink) [1]. Such a wide range poses a challenge to Cl-based AOE methods (e.g., the addition of iron salt aerosols), since the current rate of CH4 oxidation by Cl determines the amount of Cl that would need to be added via AOE to make a meaningful change to CH4 levels [8]

Problem Articulation

There is thus a critical need for an improved understanding of global CH4 loss by tropospheric Cl. Current approaches have inherent limitations: isotopic measurements are indirect and sparse, and CTMs may miss key processes (e.g., newly-identified Cl sources [9]). An alternative, complementary approach involves the measurement of molecular species that serve as markers of Cl chemistry. The objective of this project is thus the identification and quantification of such Cl-containing tracers, via laboratory studies of the Cl oxidation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), under conditions relevant to the remote troposphere. We will also measure yields of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) and other products, enabling an improved understanding of the atmospheric impacts of Cl-based AOE. The primary metric of success will be the quantitative identification of unique molecular tracers that are sufficiently long-lived and detectable to serve as effective marker species for ambient measurements.

Impact Statement

If successful, this project will improve our ability to quantify tropospheric Cl oxidation and Cl-based CH4 abatement via:

  • identification of key marker compounds, with yields, for reactions of Cl with major organic species, to serve as targets for ambient studies;
  • offering a new approach for constraining Cl sources and chemistry, via model-measurement
  • comparisons of these tracer compounds, which will in turn improve constraints on CH4 oxidation by Cl;
  • providing a new means to assess the efficacy (degree of enhancement of Cl oxidation) of AOE methods;
  • improving the descriptions of SOA and other Cl oxidation products in CTMs, enabling more accurate predictions of the atmospheric-chemistry and air-quality impacts of Cl-based AOE approaches.

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