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Problem Statement Repository: Atmospheric Methane Research

Establishing an efficient hollow fiber membrane unit for atmospheric methane removal

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Mari Karoliina Winkler (University of Washington)

July 15, 2024

Last Updated
July 25, 2024

This problem statement was submitted to the first round of the Exploratory Grants for Atmospheric Methane Research funding opportunity, and isn't endorsed, edited, or corrected by Spark.

Background Information

Climate change is driven by anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions [1]. Most attention has focused on carbon dioxide (CO2), while methane (CH4) has gotten less attention despite having a warming potential 28 times greater than CO2 [2]. Current efforts to remove GHGs have focused on removal at the source of production even though major GHG emissions are not point- source, which makes these dilute emissions hard to control. Therefore, there is a need to develop direct air capture (DAC) technologies to extract CH4 from the atmosphere. While large scale DAC technologies exist to remove CO2 [3] no effective solution exists to remove atmospheric CH4. The low CH4 concentrations in air present a major challenge towards CH4 removal since low concentration slows reaction kinetics. However, methanotrophic microbes have evolved the capacity to consume CH4 at high rates and produce the 28x less climate active CO2 by catalyzing the following reaction (CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2O).

Problem Articulation

While DAC of CO2 has seen success [3], the removal of CH4 is challenging because the differences in atmospheric concentrations (450 ppm CO2; 2 ppm CH4) make CO2 removal more favorable [2, 4]. Effective reactor systems with high biomass concentrations and efficient energy use are needed to ensure a process remains net carbon negative. The water profession spent decades optimizing reactor systems to remove high volumes of dilute pollutants [5], which can offer inspiration for bio-based CH4 removal. Biofilters were found to be highly ineffective systems, while biofilm reactors achieve higher process rates, with less space, and reduce energy input. Hollow fiber membrane (HFM) reactors force air directly through biofilms, hence avoiding mass transfer limitations associated with gas-liquid-biofilm mass transfer [6] yet biofilm growth can be a lengthy process. New DAC technologies should incorporate pre-established methanotrophic biofilms to remove large fluxes of CH4 per surface area.

Impact Statement

Alarmingly, CH4 concentrations have been quickly increasing over the past century. Since CH4 is a powerful GHG, implementation of DAC technologies would achieve a significant and rapid reduction of atmospheric CH4, which in turn would decrease the cumulative GHG warming potential and tropospheric ozone production from CH4 [7]. High affinity methanotrophs offer great potential to lower atmospheric CH4 concentrations but their full potential cannot be utilized at scale without a) obtaining high biomass concentrations and b) effective bioreactor units. We propose a compact reactor unit with capacity to treat large volumetric loads of air to oxidize CH4 by coating methanogens in a densely packed hydrogel layer onto a hollow fiber membrane reactor unit.


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