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Problem Statement Repository: Atmospheric Methane Research

Ab initio calculation of kinetic isotope effects (KIE) for reaction of CH4 with ▪OH, ▪Cl, and O(1D)– towards improving the constraints for monitoring the atmospheric CH4 cycle

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James Farquhar (University of Maryland)

July 15, 2024

Last Updated
July 25, 2024

This problem statement was submitted to the first round of the Exploratory Grants for Atmospheric Methane Research funding opportunity, and isn't endorsed, edited, or corrected by Spark.

Background Information

Interest in understanding why methane (CH4) is rising is driven by the fact that CH4 is a potent greenhouse molecule with an ~10 yr lifetime and the fact that that measures taken to temper or reverse the march of CH4 to higher levels have the potential to provide time for development of climate change solutions. Critical insight into why CH4 is rising is provided by isotopic measurements of atmospheric CH4, which in turn are evaluated using models that include information about kinetic isotope effects (KIE); KIE associated with major sink reactions of CH4 with the ▪OH radical, the ▪Cl radical, and O(1 D), describe the lifetimes of isotopically-substituted species (isotopologues), including 12CH4, 12CH3 D, and the ‘clumped’ isotopologues 13CH3 D and 12CH2 D2 . Further insight into why CH4 is rising will be obtained as newer and better measurement techniques are developed; high mass resolution instruments, for instance, now reach precisions for D/H approaching the 0.1 ‰ level. These are some of the reasons high- quality calibrations of KIE are of scientific and societal value. We want to understand and curb the rise of CH4, and we do not want KIE to be a limiting factor.

Problem Articulation

High-quality calibrations of KIE for reaction of CH4 with ▪OH, ▪Cl, and O(1 D) will allow models to predict (and extract) accurate information about the CH4 cycle, including source and sink strength, source inventories, and changing natural and anthropic drivers (including those resulting from possible future policy, mitigation, or removal) throughout the atmosphere and around the globe. The proposed work aims to improve constraints on KIE using ab initio calculations with the key goals to:

  1. Refine constraints on the transition states (TS) and their immediate potential energy surface (PES) for reaction of CH4 with ▪OH, ▪Cl, and O(1 D);
  2. Calibrate frequencies for each of the TS isotopologues (including those that can be presently measured at high precision and others);
  3. Derive KIE starting with transition state theory (TST) with tunneling corrections;
  4. Evaluate the derived KIE relative to existing determinations of KIE and identify any preliminary implications that changes in KIE may have for understanding of the atmospheric cycling of CH4.

The KIE will be evaluated by comparison with known reaction rates and convergence with other calibrations.

Impact Statement

If successful, the proposed work would provide calibration of KIE for three relevant atmospheric sink reactions for CH4 to:

  1. Advance understanding of the mismatch between experimental and theoretical KIE for isotopologues;
  2. Improve process-model constraints using atmospheric CH4 isotopologues to apportion atmospheric sinks;
  3. Calibrate CH4 inventories and efforts to reduce CH4 on a global scale;
  4. Inform models to evaluate global distribution of sinks in, for instance, N-S global transects that measure CH4 isotopologues; and
  5. Apply isotopologues in studies of the atmospheric CH4 cycle in both the troposphere and stratosphere.

A goal of this research is to produce high quality theoretical calibrations of KIE with fundamental physical chemical underpinnings that allow extrapolation to a range of conditions relevant in the natural world, to isotopologues, and to enable accurate modeling of the atmospheric CH4 cycle.


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